What You Need to Know About California Money Laundering

If you have been charged with money laundering in California or know someone who has, you probably have many questions about how it is handled within the legal system. It’s important to have a clear description or definition of money laundering related to California law to understand your charges. While learning about the law and how to navigate its systems can be stressful, you don’t have to manage this process alone. Bernal Law can help you understand money laundering better, support you during challenges, and boost your confidence.

Money laundering relates to finances and transactions made pertaining to criminal activities. It may also be a way of hiding unlawful ways of gaining money. For example, money laundering can be used to describe a transaction between an illicit drug deal, especially one using cash, to avoid leaving a documented trail about where the funds are going. If you want more information about money laundering and how to proceed with your trial, contact Bernal Law with your questions and concerns.

What Are the Penalties for Money Laundering in California?

The penalties for money laundering in California vary depending on the severity of the charges. Those accused of money laundering will most commonly face fines and jail time. However, other consequences may apply in certain situations.

We strongly encourage you to work with a money laundering defense attorney to avoid large fines and long jail sentences. A money laundering lawyer with a strong understanding of white-collar California criminal defense law will be able to reduce the potential consequences you can face with a conviction. In some cases, your attorney will be able to eliminate penalties altogether.

Defenses for California Money Laundering

There are many potential defenses you can use for money laundering in California, and the strategies you can utilize will depend on your circumstances. However, one of the most common defenses is a “mistake of fact.” For instance, banks and similar financial institutions will claim they were not actively involved in money laundering for providing regular banking services.

Individuals outside the banking world may also use the mistake of fact defense, claiming that they did not know funds came from an illegal or criminal source. If you want more assistance building solid defenses against these charges, contact Bernal Law for support.

How Can a Money Laundering Defense Attorney Help You?

A money laundering lawyer with adequate knowledge and experience can ensure you are represented fairly and will work hard to find the best possible outcome from your legal case. A money laundering defense attorney can field communication with other parties and legal representatives, speak on your behalf during the trial, collect and analyze evidence in your favor, and complete and file paperwork.

A money laundering lawyer can also help you avoid unnecessary stress, shorten the length of litigation, and reduce the severity of your consequences. Because of all these positive benefits, we encourage you to avoid representing yourself during your money laundering trial. Self-representation can quickly result in less-than-ideal results, including facing worse penalties than necessary.

Get Valuable Support and Defense From a Bernal Law Money Laundering Attorney

You don’t have to navigate the court system alone if you have been charged with money laundering. Bernal Law can help you in several ways throughout the process, and our clients trust us to bring them great results and reduced penalties. Dedicated and talented attorney Pedro Bernal has a track record of helping clients feel comfortable and safe, speaking with them fluently in English and Spanish.

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about our services or how to move forward. You can call us at (619) 736-9092 or complete the contact form on our website to begin working with us.

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